Sunday, July 13, 2014

1:03 AM

(A Drama in Five Acts – at 140 characters each Act)

I’m spending this time now, spending it with you – and I’m sorry about that – but I have to say so I will say something, I want to spend some time just to say something to you.

This drink I am now drinking reminds me of you, of summers sunny spent past, and how there was a porch we all sat upon and said stupid things so I’m saying stupid now, true.

I always wanted to spend time with you, and I did, and now I spend time with everyone hoping that that time was well spent, spending it with everyone, always apologizing.

There are ways to say so much as such:  I could carry that for you; I can carry you; I can carry that for you but I can’t because I can’t carry anything, anything over 5lbs now.

There are things to try in red, things to call green. But everything is sweeter in time and distance and how greatly the tears might stop and how sorry, how sorry, he says.