Thursday, March 6, 2014


Satisfying wedlock and sound let-go of literalness:  Condemning the ‘here’ for ‘here and now’ and lacking the ability to tell the difference. A distinction imbedded in the cobalt blue, the rendered red and standing. ‘Real World’ clichés, determined ineffectual because of day-to-day subjective experience. Subjective experience as subjective, and yet presented as positive reality by higher powers, unaware of neither trees nor forests nor that the baby can experience an experience of the womb as ‘now’ and, yet, moments later, lose that memory forever after being expunged into the reality of the ‘Real World’.

Pronouns and particles be damned.

This is what it is and it is is as how I see it is, but if you see if it differently you do not live in my real world, thereby, not the real world.

I just see it as different from it as you see it, in my real world.