Tuesday, October 1, 2013

There Is No Nostalgia Permitted In My House



I Fool Myself: and if in, this Phrase, all the yaws of this City Bulge Lean and Full, then my Retention of Self and Language, Shutters the Doors from the Edifice of Movement’s Resolution.  That Past Sentence is Getting us Nowhere.  However, it is Possible, that in the Coming-Days, I’ll Need a New Dick in that Sense.  And in this Sense: to Cross-Out not just this One, but this Two, and this Three, and this Pistil and Fortuitous Ruination that I have Come for You.  The Real Concern, is to Exclude, the External World, so to Engulf, Deliminations, from the Start. This is about, like, Thinking About Someone, that You Think is (in) Gone.  And She Says to Me: these Stairs are Steep.  This is a Laying-Your-Leg-Out kind of Afternoon. I Am Here for Kisses and a Penetrating History of Maps. And In the Morning: the very Rich Hours of the Morning.  I wanted you to say “howrel” to tell you that N. shall Sculpt this Disaster and 4 Clocked Figures that’ll Arise on the Horizon this November.  But Really, Who Can Say Anything of the womps Fertility.  Cheese, Olives, Fries and the Morning Filled with Trumpets.  I Have Glanced, So-Many-Times, Toward all that my ass can Pounce and Besides this Mere Addition, is Information, that Denotes: I Must Be Fly.  And Bucking-Back: I Dreamed of the Missouri Pines, of the Daily Roll-Call, the Salutes and the Gulp of the Summer Heat, And-Of-Course, How I would Meet Her and Kiss Her Beside the Pond, while Pondering my next Escape to the City, and Ultimately, Leaving Her, Alone to Walk that Mile back to The Barracks, While I Chased Whatever-Was-Left of my Desires for What I Desired.  in other words: Split my Ass in Two and fucking Crown It. 