Friday, October 11, 2013

A Border Hoarder of Disorder as my General Approach to Order



And Here Comes: My Adorable Act of Importance: Little Lothario and Slumping the Skin (in).  In the City, the Backdrop of---------------à“Why, Despite” Becomes Mottled and Dead.  And We Begin to Run-Along the Melodic howrel’s hump and Skip.  And then Casket and Trip.  The High, Far-Carving and Ridging Laugh.  “Distorted and Dicktored.”  And this Soars Through Yours.  And Your Body: is not an Attempt, a Lick, a Lake and Again I’m Awake. And your Body: is Caught in the Armpits of a Retracting, yet Exact Logic.  By Which Means: Doubt Interrogates Me on the Daily.   And this Strange, yet Warm Side of the Grass Positions My Defensive Objection.  This is an Isolation Project and Yet: I want to Prolong this Exterior Hunger, like an Excuse, like an Orgasm, like Ketchup.  And it All Circles back to this Question: Where, in the fuck, are my Keys. “A Border Hoarder of Disorder as my General Approach to Order.”  Forming this into a Promise that will Ultimately Divide. At First Glance: this should be Hit Against its Ringer. One Cannot Say that, but One Can Say thisDilly-Dallying through the Ideal World Because Everyone is on the Bend of a Mend.  And Here: Where Love is Petrified from the Inside AS IF out.  Detached from the Pleasure Enters that Galloping Desire.  This Tension Plays-Itself for Abasement, Art and that Lease We just Signed for a Year in this House.  Thus: Begin, again from what We Are: an arc (over) an Are in the arc we Are.
