Thursday, August 22, 2013

Well, Ma Always Said, Things like This Would Happen (Such Magnificent Sunshine)

and all day such magnificent sunshine

 “Do anything, but let it produce Desire. Do anything, but see Fit that this Production of Desire Yields the Great Capanna Calamity.”

 - Boris Izsus in a Letter to A.F.C II


The Thing Now: is to Dream, of what, will Crush the Present.  I am Still Speaking of the Pigeon’s coo, for it, as I, Must have Existed. IF I Fail to Create a Specific Content, in this Context, then I Must have been Aware, of an Insurmountable Boundary.  in other words: What is Desirable, makes this Distance Distant.  And All Day: such Magnificent Sunshine.  History is to the Inadequacy to what I Felt (is) to.  Let Me Show You: the Proper Way to Plunge into a Slapstick Rage.  The Suppleness of your Thigh below your Skirt’s Hem.  The Letter Began: My Dear Georgette: the Way I See it, this just Reports the Beginning thrumble of my Vice.  I am Always Astonished by what of this Meat Cannot be Soldered and soup.  A Gun-Downed Body Transfigured into a Quasi-Toponomy of ‘Being Engaged’ in a Silly Horse-Play.  And Years later, Legislatively, The Body doos this.  One thing, I Know, I Will Not soon Forget, is reading Henry Miller Describe Attaining Pleasure, and how this Pleasure, upon his Seizing-Upon, was, and Always had been, Insufficient.  The Rhythmic Movement of this, is What you are Now thinking.  There are no Words to Describe: “This just isn’t Enough.” As IF, I could Even Show you, what it is, I am Wearing.  And She is Sitting Across from Me, Giving that Meat-Counter Glare.  Sometimes the Face just Begs to Hit the Wall that’ll Hit Right-Back. And I Kept thinking throughout this Day: Motherfucker, now that, be some Magnificent, fucking, Sunshine.