Thursday, August 1, 2013

To Enter your Grin Entirely

to enter your grin entirely

XXXIII. Chicago, IL, 1982

It is not Difficult to Confuse Desire with Pleasure; Speaking, with Intellect. 
A Collapse, a Bucket, a Drop. A Movement, and some little Adage. The Litany of an Atrocity, and 
Pleasing to the Eye. Studs Terkel is what makes this Country great. 
These Pasty Hands and Hues of Strain. Daytime Bleacher-Baseball and Shit Beer.  The Pause of the Mostly Modern Touch, still Recapitulates our Desire to be Understood or Held but without being HadPer Se.  And it is somewhat Amusing how no one fucking cares.  Picking up the Phone, I think: Nobody Communicates that way any more, 
608-332-5222. If you want to get a Cat, you're on your own. 
If you want my Love, you’ll have to Accept the Comics of the Heart.  And to Enter your Grin Entirely.  And How it is Blooming against a Pillow cast in Red Light.  And soon this Life will be an Abandoned House.  in other words:--------àEach Misstep Becomes an Avalanche.  Entering into The Great Broken and Illegible Sleep.  This Dissension is also, a Subject that one Should Confuse.  This Silly Plan, should Intimidate so toIntimate that when Meaning of such Intimacies becomes Affixed, it is mere Stupidity. And Yet: the Sum of this History, is one of Wide-Eyed-Wonder and Love’s Delinquency.