Thursday, July 11, 2013

One Desire is as Desirable as Any Other

“…Oddly: My Most Intense Desires appear Hell-Bent on Wounding, even Chomping at the Bit to Destroy Me, which in turn, would only Serve to Act as the Harbinger of their own Erasure, their own Absence,ß----------àand yet Perhaps, there is Something, more Sinister at play: ß----------àNamely: My Desire’s Actions to Enact this Act of Wounding, of Lashing, of Destroying, in Reality, Might Serve the Ultimate Purpose, of Discharging their Energies from the ruin of My Destruction with such an Excessive Power, that it would Engulf, quite Literally, every Light in the Eye of a Child in this City, from Uptown on-down to 79th and King Drive…”

-Boris Izsus 2013