Wednesday, November 14, 2012


(1.) I Position Myself throughout this continual “Speaking in the Present” in which, I am Fixed

(2.) On The Other Hand: I’m Affixed into this Place, yet, I’m only Rehearsing how I will Wiggle out of this Skin, when she Emerges, just to the Left, of my House

(3.) Into the Short Story came the long Production of Chicago’s Masterpiece, of what some call, Winter

(4.)  “Oh, there-there, it’s really going to be OK”

(5.) The Scratch that Began to Begin to a possible Act

(6.) OXß----------------------------------------------------------------------àOX

(7.)  Wait…” she Said; perhaps Pertaining to the Silence slumped into our Bed

(8.) What we find, is the Phenomenon of the Absence of an Audience, which Grasps the specifically Human Experience of seemingly “Wasting Time” in which, my Reflective Capacity is next to nil; that is: offering my own experience, of Life, as an Object of Dying in Thought, and thus an Object which therefore makes my Dying, all the more Rare, but also, makes my Life all the more in the Thrōs of an Economy.  However: whether the Drive is of Desire or Excess or Raging-Against my own Judgment, depends, I Suppose, on Whether or Not, I End up “Coming Early.”

(9.)  “Aye—[!] Here Comes the Dumbshit that is always Rambling-On about fucking “Economy”

(10.)  In Other Words:------------àI’m Extending a Foreclosure on Possible Meanings

(11.)  There is a Great Providence in the wop of my Marrow

(12.)  The more Open an Intimacy, the more likely it is to become Lazy. The more Closed (-Off) an Intimacy, the more likely it is to Fail to notice its own being Lazing, even when, Confronted with its own blū Face, somberly, out of Breath.

(13.)  In Other Words: I have such Grave Doubts as to the Veracity of my own Desires

(14.)  The Story that Begins: “My Life was Beginning to get Shorter just as my Hair was Beginning to Recede

(15.)  And This was a Lie, for:------àif this (it) were to begin to Recede, then the Speculation, would be, that there was an Emergence, of a Notion, that this Sequence was Nearing the Edge of----àBaby Girl, this be Over.”

(16.)  Oh:-------à“There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still Tomorrow” She Said: “There is still a Still.”

(17.)  And When does, that become, “Called-Out” as a Lie, or at the very least, a Fib—[?]

(18.)  On Sunday, Turn to Me, when you Feel, you will Find, as you See, me Here, reading Genet, yet thinking, about the Spring, the Sun, the Skin and “Opening Day, in Chicago, The White Sox, 2013.”

(19.)  And Although: We Might not Make It: I Must still, Figure out a Way, to Carry you, to your Birthday

(20.)  I Will one Day Lose Sight of this and so much More