Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In Chicago, the Refusal of the Endwhere

“In Chicago, your Face is not a Face, but rather, the Grandest of Impressionistic Strokes.  A Stroke, whose very Gesture, is of the utmost Purity: a Monument to my own irrational Seams which Refuse to Assume the Position of a fixed Subject; yet how I find myself fixated, Daily, on the very idea of *this Gesture, of *this Remembering of your Face in my Face: is a means to not make Meaning, per se, but moreso, to Object to any Object that might fix itself upon, and Transform your Face, and thus, my own Remembrance of your Face, into a Subject, in Stone.  In Other Words: *this is the very Refusal to allow your Face to End where the Endwhere is a Life rocked by Death by the Desire to never say again: “How I Wish (in) *this to be yet again.”