Friday, July 1, 2011

A Bad Poem, Disguised As a Good Poem, Disguised As a Fashionable Poem, Disguised as a Bad Poem, Disguised As an Ace [Or, Call a Spade a Spade]

it’s stupid
when being close to someone
only makes it closer
how much of a disrespect there is
which ashes
but ashes can be ignoble
like a whale

it’s what
when being fucked from someone
only makes it Clearasil
how much of a commotion there is
which ashes
and cannot be ignoble
not for a monument


a mother was hiding in a cunt
she was a leper on the word
growing full on the blanket
of any who came clap’d
what food they weren’t!

but grandad’s lonely ‘roid was tearing him apart
he had torn his own harm off at the should-have
and was beating himself with the weekend
as prurient for the first mishearing
one wordy talker came to his more
hearing shrunks of punt from without
and when she reached into him
with a fool offering in her hush
to express conceit,
even for a monument
not fucking in fear
he wasn’t conceived.

even with the coincidence
of another’s cunt in his hand,
it seemed as a dread to grandad
his blockage lass distending his sexuality
to concede him in his lust movements
that anyone could love such a monster cock
the mother culted his manish self-fellatio
took the lie and sewed grandad back together
when he hell’d the mother simply lied to him
and the movement found his body was his own again
but laws and horniness had overcrept and sapped him
his own monsters stubbing his flash with his chagrin
the mother filed down the hurts and laws tethering him
and when he heard the mother looking at him once again
grandad found that his bruise now belonged more to them

but that was ordinary, okay?