Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Joy of Watching You, Eating

“Hear my words for their works / Cause I aint just tryin’ta get in your clothes /…Okay, I'm lying / Damn you fine / & uhmmmmm….” – The-Dream



Thus, it should be Time for Dinner when she comes to me, Face upon Face, unknotting my Tie.

But my Mouth in that Moment seemed unusually Sad.

Because I was still seething a thinking about you Eating.

Because of the utter ruination I felt at the end of your Eating.


Thus, to Bullout this Reflection in my Gulling

Bringing a Body, to its Conclusion through an Insatiable Hunger

Because Hunger too, is unquenchable of Hunger.

This is the Key to my most fundamental Meaning.

Which sounds to me awholeshitload like Eating.